Kobo's Price Match Guarantee is available to customers in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. To request a price match, visit the Price Match page here.
If you live in one of these countries and buy an eBook from Kobo, and then find the same book or audiobook on a competitor’s website for a lower price, you can ask Kobo to credit the difference (excluding taxes), plus an additional 10%.
Learn more about Kobo’s price match on this page.
To qualify for the Price Match Guarantee:
- You must have bought the eBook from Kobo within 7 days of submitting your request.
- Pre-ordered books are covered under Kobo's Pre-order Price Guarantee. You can only request a price match for a pre-ordered title within 7 days following the book's official on-sale date.
- The competitor's eBook or audiobook must be identical to the one purchased from Kobo, including the same ISBN.
- The competitor's eBook or audiobook must be priced in the same currency as your original purchase from Kobo.
- The competitor must be an authorized eBook retailer located in the same country as you.
- The competitor's eBook or audiobook price must not be lower due to an advertising error; misprint; combination promotion (e.g. gift with purchase); after-sale rebate offer; preferred-customer rebate, or other similar discount.
Account credits issued by Kobo are not redeemable for cash. Limit one credit per item.
Kobo will verify and issue account credits within 3 business days of an authorized price match request. Account credits will only be issued to the account holder who made the original purchase.