Promo codes provide discounts that apply to select books and audiobooks in the Kobo Store. Most promo codes can only be used once.
If you receive an email from Kobo that includes a promo code, it will be valid on a select list of titles only and must be used within the dates of the promotion in the email.
Note: Some publishers do not discount their eBooks or audiobooks. This means that promo codes do not work on all titles in the Kobo Store.
Before you start:
- Sign in to your Kobo account.
- If you don’t have a Kobo account, you can create a free account.
To use a promo code:
When you’re ready to complete your purchase:
- Click the
shopping cart icon and then click Checkout if you have multiple titles to buy.
- Click Buy Now if you are purchasing a single eBook or audiobook.
- Click the
Click Add promo code on the right hand side of the checkout page.
Enter your promo code in the box and click Apply.
- If the promo code is valid and can be applied to the item(s) you're buying, your order total will change to show your discount.
- Repeat this step for any additional promo codes you want to apply.
Note: Promo codes are case-sensitive. Make sure that you enter upper and lowercase letters as you see them in the promo code.
- Click Complete Purchase.