Follow these steps to set up a Kobo eReader using your computer.
Before you start:
- Create a free Kobo account if you don't have one
- The Kobo Desktop app is not compatible with Kobo Libra Colour, Kobo Clara Colour, or Kobo Clara BW.
Your computer must be connected to the internet to set up your eReader.
- Go to on your computer.
- Click the red Download now button.
- After Kobo Desktop is downloaded, install it on your computer. Follow the steps on the Kobo setup page after you click the download button.
- On your computer: Open the
Kobo Desktop app.
- Click SIGN IN at the top of the screen.
Sign in to your Kobo account.
If you use your Apple ID to sign in, follow the steps in this article to ensure that your Rakuten Kobo account properly links with your Apple ID.
- Click Continue.
- Turn on your eReader.
- On your eReader: Tap the language you want to set up your eReader in.
- Tap Don’t have a Wi Fi network?.
- Connect one end of the Micro USB cable to your eReader and the other end to a USB port on your computer.
The 'Configuring & Syncing' screen will appear and automatically set up your eReader.
If you don't see the 'Configuring & Syncing' screen, try plugging your eReader into a different USB port on your computer and try the steps again.
Wait for the set up process to complete. It may take a while depending how many books you have. You'll see a 'Success!' screen when setup completes.
- Click Continue.
- Click Eject.
- Click Ok.
Learn how to set up over Wi Fi
If you prefer to set up over Wi Fi instead of using the Kobo Desktop App, read the steps here: