You can purchase Kobo eReaders directly from the Kobo website in certain countries.
To purchase a Kobo eReader, visit
You can purchase Kobo eReaders in the Kobo Store from:
- Canada
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Portugal
- Spain
- France
- Italy
- Belgium
- Netherlands
- Sweden
- Romania
- Poland
- Czech Republic
- Singapore
- Australia
- New Zealand
If your country isn’t listed above, click here to see a list of book sellers that sell Kobo eReaders.
To see Kobo’s available range of eReaders for purchase:
- Go to
- Click Apps & eReaders at the top of the screen.
- 3. Click eReaders or and select All eReaders to see the complete family of Kobo eReader available for purchase, or click on the model name of the eReader that you'd like to purchase.
- Browse the store and find the items you'd like to buy.
- Click Add to cart next to the items you'd like to purchase. Your items will be added to your Shopping Cart.
- Click the cart icon
at the top-right corner of the screen to review your purchase.
- Click on the I agree with the Terms and Conditions checkbox, then Checkout. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the purchase.
Note: Kobo Gift Cards cannot be used to purchase eReaders