You can add notes to your eBook while you read. This can be useful if you want to add self-notes for your own reference.
Your notes will automatically be saved onto your eReader. After you save your note, you can view your notes across all your Kobo devices and apps using the same account.
Using notes on third-party eBooks (eBooks not purchased on
- Your notes will be saved onto your eReader only.
- Your notes will be removed if you delete the eBook on your eReader.
To add notes to your eBook:
- While reading, press and hold a word for a few seconds, until the word is highlighted in black.
- Lift your finger from the page. You'll see a circle at each end of the word.
- Drag the first circle to the start of the text you want to select, and the second circle to the end.
Note: If you have a Kobo Libra Colour or Kobo Clara Colour, you can select a highlight colour of your note. To do this, tap on any of the coloured circles in the menu. - Tap Add Note.
- Use the keyboard to enter your notes and tap Save.
After you’ve added your note, you can view or remove the note. Follow the steps in these articles to learn how: