Delete books from your eReader to save storage space. You can always re-download books back onto your eReader.
When you're done with a book you can remove it from your eReader.
Your book purchases from Kobo are stored in the Kobo Cloud. The Kobo Cloud is an online storage area with unlimited space. You can choose which books you want to download from the Kobo Cloud to your device. When you finish a book, you can remove it from your device to increase storage space. You can re-download a book from the Kobo Cloud any time you have access to Wi Fi.
Read the articles below to learn how to delete books on your Kobo eReader:
- Delete a book on your Kobo eReader
- Delete multiple books on your Kobo eReader
- Delete all your books on your Kobo eReader
To download a book you’ve deleted, just tap on its cover.