eBooks and audiobooks can be purchased from the Kobo Store at Kobo.com.
- eBooks can be read on your Kobo eReader, Kobo Books app (smartphone and tablet), and the Kobo Desktop app (Mac and PC).
- You can use the Kobo Books app to listen to audiobooks on your smartphone or tablet.
- Select Kobo eReaders can play audiobooks through Bluetooth.
Rakuten Kobo does not sell print books.
Before you start:
- Go to Kobo.com.
- Search or browse the Kobo Store to find an eBook or audiobook you're interested in.
- Click the book cover to see more information or click Add to cart to add it to the shopping cart while you continue to browse.
- When you're ready to buy, click the
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- Click Checkout when you’re ready to buy the item.
Note: If you haven't signed into your Kobo account, you'll be asked to sign in after you click Checkout.
- If you are purchasing a single eBook or audiobook, click Buy Now from within the book’s detail page to proceed to the checkout.
- Follow the onscreen instructions to check out.
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Note: If you're a customer from Europe, you may be asked to enter an additional security code. To learn more, follow the steps in this article: About the Purchase Authentication window during checkout - A confirmation email will be sent to you once the purchase has been completed.
What happens next?
After you purchase your eBook or audiobook, you can read your eBook on your Kobo eReader, Kobo Books app, and Kobo Desktop app.
If you don't see your eBook or audiobook, sync your Kobo eReader or Kobo Books app.
To listen to audiobooks:
- Use the Kobo Books app for your iOS or Android device or;
- Use your Kobo eReader (select models only) to listen to audiobooks on your Bluetooth headphone or speaker.