Try these steps if the Kobo Books app isn’t working properly.
Before you start:
- Keep your iPhone, iPad up-to-date: Make sure you have the latest version of iOS. Follow the steps here to learn how.
- Verify that other apps work: Open other apps on your iPhone or iPad to verify that they work. If other apps other than the Kobo Books app are also having problems, the problem may be with your device.
Step 1: Sign out of your account and sign back in
Try the steps below if you’re missing books or audiobooks.
- Open the
Kobo Books app.
- Go to the home screen.
- Tap
More at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Sign out.
- Follow the onscreen instructions and sign in to the Kobo Books app.
Step 2: Clear ‘Local Data’ on the Kobo Books app
If signing out and signing back in didn’t help, try the steps below. Clearing local data may help restore missing books and audiobooks on your Kobo Books app.
- On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings.
- Tap Kobo Books.
- Beside ‘Clear Local Data’, tap the circle icon to turn the feature on. (show illustration)
- Sign out of your Kobo Books app and sign back in (follow the instructions in step 1).
Step 3: Reinstall the app
If your Kobo Books app crashes frequently, reinstall the Kobo Books app.
Uninstall the app:
- On your iPhone or iPad, go to the home screen.
- Tap and hold the
Kobo Books icon. Wait for the icon to wiggle.
- Tap the X icon at the top of the icon.
Reinstall the app:
- Open the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
- Search for Kobo Books.
- Tap on the
Kobo Books icon.
- Follow the onscreen instructions to download the app.