Listen to audiobooks using select Kobo eReaders and the Kobo Books app.
You can listen to audiobooks on:
Select Kobo eReaders:
- Kobo Sage, Kobo Libra 2, Kobo Elipsa, Kobo Clara 2E, Kobo Elipsa 2E, Kobo Libra Colour, Kobo Clara Colour, and Kobo Clara BW.
Android and iOS devices:
- Android smartphones or tablets that support version 6.0 and higher
- Apple smartphones or tablets (iPhone, iPad, and 6th generation iPod Touch) that support iOS 12 or later
- Apple CarPlay using the Kobo Books app for iOS
You can download the Kobo Books app for Android or iOS here.
Audiobooks cannot be played:
- in Kobo Desktop
- in the Kobo App for Windows or Blackberry
- on Kobo Arc 7, 7HD or 10HD tablets
- on any Android devices with versions lower than version 6.0 (versions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 are not supported)
- on other brands of eReaders