After you've purchased your audiobook from Kobo, you can start listening by using the Kobo App.
You can listen to audiobooks with your smartphone or tablet using the Kobo App on:
- Android KitKat or later (version 4.4 and higher)
- Note: Android Jellybean (version 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) are not supported.
Before you start, you'll need to get the Kobo App for your smartphone or tablet.
Audiobooks cannot be played:
- On your laptop or desktop computer
- in Kobo Desktop
- in the Kobo App for Windows or Blackberry
- on Kobo eReaders
- on Kobo Arc 7, 7HD, or 10HD tablets
Listen to audiobooks offline
Before you can listen to an audiobook, you’ll need to download it onto your smartphone or tablet. Once the audiobook is downloaded onto your device, you can listen to it without an internet connection.
If you go to an area with limited or no Wi Fi, it’s best to download the audiobook onto your device so that you don’t have to rely on Wi Fi. For example, if you’re travelling, you might not have access to a Wi Fi connection to download an audiobook.
- Open the Kobo App on your smartphone or tablet.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap
My Books at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Audiobooks near the top of the screen.
- Tap on an audiobook that you'd like to listen to to start listening.
Note: If your audiobook needs to be downloaded, you’ll see a download icon next to the book cover. To download the audiobook, just tap on its cover.
You can pause, fast forward, rewind, and resume audio at any time. Learn more about audiobook controls on the Kobo App.