Kobo Web Reader lets you read Kobo books when signed in to your Kobo.com account.
Your bookmarks are saved and synced, which means you can continue reading on a Kobo eReader or reading app at a later date without losing your spot. You can use Kobo Web Reader on your computer or smartphone.
Note: Kobo Web Reader does not support Kobo Audiobooks.
Kobo Web Reader is currently available in these countries:
- Australia
- Brazil
- Canada
- Germany
- Spain
- France
- Ireland
- India
- Italy
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Taiwan
- United Kingdom
- United States
- South Africa
Note: Kobo Web Reader is not available to customers in Japan.
Supported browsers
You can use Kobo Web Reader on most browsers such as:
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.
How to use Kobo Web Reader
Open your book on Kobo Web Reader
After you've purchased a book on Kobo.com, you can read your book in the My Books menu.
- Sign in to your account.
- Click My Account near the top of the screen.
- Click My Books.
- Look for a book that you'd like to read.
Note: If your book supports Kobo Web Reader, you'll see the Read Now button. - Click Read Now to start reading.
Getting around your book on Kobo Web Reader
On Kobo Web Reader, you can view the table of contents, adjust font sizes, and more. Your bookmarks will automatically save. This means that you can continue where you left off if you read on the Kobo Books app, or on your Kobo eReader.
Turn pages
You can turn pages by doing any of the following:
On your smartphone:
- Tap or swipe on the left and right edges of the screen to turn pages.
On your computer:
- Press the left or right arrow on your keyboard to page forward or backward.
- Drag the circle icon near the bottom of the page left or right to quickly scroll through pages.
- Hover your mouse cursor to the left or right side of the screen and click the arrow to page forward or backward.
Adjust font size
- Hover your mouse cursor to the top of the screen.
- Click the
font size icon.
- Drag the circle icon left or right to make the text smaller or larger.
Reading Settings
Customize the look of the page by using the Reading Settings. You can adjust the page colour, margin sizes, and the number of text columns.
- Click the
font size icon near the top of the screen to open the Reading Settings menu.
- Click any of these settings to change the way the page looks:
- Theme: Change the colour of the page background. Choose from light, sepia, and dark.
- Page Layout: Display text as one or two columns.
- Margins: Adjust the width of the paragraphs on the page. Choose from medium, narrow, or wide.
Other features
At the top of the screen, you'll see a few icons that you can click:
View the table of contents: Opens the table of contents and lets you go to any section of the book.
View the page in full screen: Lets you read your book in full screen. To close full screen view, press the escape key (ESC) on your keyboard.
View more settings: Shows you basic shortcuts and a tutorial on how to use Kobo Web Reader.
Closing your book
On your computer: Hover your mouse cursor to the top of the screen and click Back to My Books to close Kobo Web Reader. Your reading progress will automatically save.
On your smartphone: Tap the top of the screen to reveal the menu bar. Tap the arrow icon to close your book.