When you sign out, your books and bookmarks are saved, but you will lose highlight, notes, and annotations you’ve added to your books.
You may want to sign out of your eReader if:
- You want to sign in to a different Kobo account. For example, if you share your eReader with another family member, you might want to sign in to a different account.
- You are trying to fix a problem with your Kobo eReader, and want to sign out and set up your eReader again.
When you sign back in with another account, you’ll need to set up your eReader again using a Wi Fi connection or Kobo Desktop.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap the
More icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Accounts.
- Under Kobo, tap Sign out. A confirmation screen will appear.
- Tap Sign out.
After you sign out, follow the onscreen instructions to set up your eReader.