If you received a Kobo eGift by email, you can redeem it to add the amount to your Kobo account as Store Credit.
Note: Kobo will no longer accept WHSmith gift cards starting on January 31, 2025.
Store Credit can be used towards your next purchase of eBooks or audiobooks from the Kobo Store.
Note: Kobo eGifts cannot be applied towards the purchase of eReaders, accessories, or book pre-orders.
Before you start:
- Check your email and look for an email from Kobo. The email subject will look something like "John sent you a gift!"
- Click Redeem now in the email. A new browser window will open that takes you to the Kobo website.
- Under 'You Have an eGift Card!', click Continue.
- Sign in to your Kobo account. If you don’t have a Kobo account, click Create free account, and complete the signup process.
- Click Redeem Now.
The Kobo eGift amount is stored as Store Credit in your Kobo account and will be automatically applied to your next purchase of eBooks or audiobooks.