If you have a Kobo gift card or Kobo Audiobook Subscription card, you can redeem it at Kobo.com/redeem to make purchases.
Note: Kobo will no longer accept WHSmith gift cards starting on January 31, 2025.
You can also add multiple gift cards to your account. For example, you can a combine two $25 gift cards into your account balance, and have a total of $50 for your next purchase.
When you add the gift card value to your account, the dollar amount transfers from the gift card into your account. This means that your gift card will show an amount of zero, and your Kobo account will show the total value of all the gift cards you've added to your account.
Before you start
Redeem your gift card
To redeem your Kobo gift card:
- Go to kobo.com/redeem.
- Reveal the PIN on the back of your gift card by scratching the protective film.
- Enter your gift card PIN in the empty field.
Your PIN may include letters and numbers. For instance, your PIN may look something like this: CMG9805713860573. In this example, the letters CMG are part of the PIN.
The numbers after 'Card #' is not a PIN. - Click Submit.
- Review your gift card details.
- Click Confirm.
You'll see a screen that confirms your gift card details. - Click Browse now to start shopping.
What happens next?
After you redeem your gift card, you can browse kobo.com and search for items you want to buy. To learn how to purchase from kobo.com, follow the steps in this article: