You can sync your Kobo eReader by connecting it to your computer with the Kobo Desktop app.
Note: The Kobo Desktop app is not compatible with Google Chromebooks, Kobo Libra Colour, Kobo Clara Colour, or Kobo Clara BW.
Syncing your Kobo eReader:
- Downloads books you’ve recently purchased onto your Kobo eReader
- Checks for software updates.
- Updates any bookmarks or annotations that you’ve made to your eBooks.
Before you start:
- Download Kobo Desktop at and install the file on your computer.
- Make sure you have an internet connection.
- Turn on your eReader.
- Connect your eReader to your computer using a Micro USB cable.
- Tap Connect on your eReader.
Open Kobo Desktop on your computer.
Note: If you're not signed in to your Kobo account, clickSign In at the top of the screen and sign in.
- Click the
Sync icon at the top of the screen.
- Your eReader will sync and update with the latest books.
- Click the
Eject button at the top of the screen to disconnect your eReader from your computer.
After you sync your eReader with Kobo Desktop, you can find your books in the 'My Books' menu. Follow the steps in the article below to learn how:
Learn more about the Kobo Desktop app