When you plug your eReader into your computer and tap ‘Connect’, your computer connects with your eReader so that you can add books and other items.
Before you unplug your eReader, you need to end this connection safely to avoid losing data. This is called ejecting your eReader.
Eject your eReader after using Kobo Desktop
Here's how to safely eject your eReader after using Kobo Desktop on your computer.
- Click the
Eject button at the top of the screen to disconnect your eReader from your computer.
- Unplug your eReader.
Eject your eReader on your Windows computer
Here's how to safely eject your eReader from your Windows computer.
- Double-click My Computer on your desktop.
- Right-click KOBOeReader.
- Click Eject.
- Unplug your eReader.
Eject your eReader on your Mac
Here's how to safely eject your eReader from your Mac computer.
- Open a Finder Window.
- In the Devices area (on the left side of your screen), right-click on KOBOeReader.
- Click Eject KOBOeReader.
- Unplug your eReader.