You can sign in to your Kobo account to see the books you’ve purchased, remove books from your Kobo account, and more.
- Go to
- Sign in to your account.
Open your account details with one of these options, depending on what you see:
- Click My Account next to the
Profile icon at the top right of the page.
- Click the
Menu icon at the top left of the page, then click My Account next to the
Profile icon.
- Click My Account next to the
- Click My Books.
- Click the
More icon beside the book that you'd like to manage.
Select from the menu:
- Mark as Unread: Mark the book so that it appears with the ‘unread’ status.
- Mark as Finished: Mark the book as complete so that it won't show up on your Home screen.
- Write a Review: Share your review about the book with other Kobo customers.
- Download: Download your eBook as an encrypted file so that you can read it on other eReaders.
Notes: You don’t need to download the file to read it on your Kobo eReader or app. You’ll need to use Adobe Digital Editions to add books to eReaders other than Kobo. - Move to Archive: Move your eBook or audiobook into your account archive so that it won’t appear in your Kobo eReader or Kobo app. You can always move items out of your account archive.