When transferring your eBook library to Kobo from another company that has stopped selling eBooks, you’ll be asked to complete a few steps before you can begin reading your previously purchased books using Kobo apps and devices.
Here are a few important notes:
- The transfer can only be completed if your former eBook provider has made an arrangement with Kobo to transfer your library.
- On a specific date, your former eBook provider will send you an email with a unique code or link and instructions on how to transfer your library to Kobo. The date will be communicated to you ahead of time.
- If you haven’t received your email by the date specified, make sure to check the spam folder in your email account.
Once you've transferred your eBook library to Kobo, you'll be able to read your books with the Kobo eBooks app. There are a small number of books that Kobo will not be able to support. Your former eBook provider will advise you if this applies to any books in your library, and may provide a way to download the files that cannot be transferred automatically to Kobo.
How will the transfer to Kobo work?
Your former eBook provider will send you an email with a unique code or link and instructions on how to transfer your library to Kobo.
If you still haven’t received your email within a few days of the specified date, check the spam folder in your email account.
Transferring your library to Kobo means you'll continue to have access to the library of eBooks you purchased from your former provider. Once you've transferred your library, you'll be able to read your books with the Kobo eBooks app.
There may be a small number of books that Kobo will not be able to support. Your former eBook provider will advise you if this applies to any books in your library, and may provide a way to download the files that cannot be transferred automatically to Kobo.
How will I read my books?
After you’ve transferred your books from your former eBook provider, you can continue reading them by downloading the free Kobo eBooks app for your tablet or smartphone.
Your previous eBook purchases will be located in a section of the Library in your Kobo eBooks app.
You will be able to buy new books from Kobo either through the Kobo eBooks app for Android or Windows, or our store at kobo.com. Please note that the Kobo eBooks appfor Apple doesn’t include a built-in link to our store. You can buy new books directly on kobo.com to read with the
Kobo eBooks app for your iOS device.
Download the Kobo eBooks app for your iOS, Android, or Windows device.
Can I still buy new eBooks from my former eBook provider?
After a certain date, it will no longer be possible to buy new eBooks from your former eBook provider. Your former provider will let you know when the final date for purchasing eBooks will be.
In order to access previous eBook purchases, you’ll need to transfer your library to Kobo. Once you've done that, you'll be able to read your books with the Kobo eBooks app, and purchase new books from Kobo.
Can I still read my eBooks with my former provider's reading app?
After a certain date, your old reading app will not be supported.
You'll be able to continue reading your previously purchased eBooks once you download the Kobo eBooks app for your device. You’ll find your former provider’s eBooks in the Kobo eBooks app in a section of your Library.
I already have a Kobo account. Can I merge my libraries right now?
Even if you already have a Kobo account, you’ll need to wait until your former eBook provider emails you a unique code or link and instructions on how to transfer your library to Kobo.
How do I troubleshoot the Kobo eBooks app?
When dealing with issues with your Kobo eBooks app, try the steps below, in order.
Once you’ve found a step that resolves the problem, you can skip any that are left.
- Sync (update) your Kobo Library.
- Find your previously purchased books under ‘All Items’ in your Library.
- Close and restart the Kobo eBooks app.
- Sign out and sign back in to the Kobo eBooks app.
- Uninstall the Kobo eBooks app, then reinstall the latest version.
What happens to my personal information? What will be shared with Kobo?
Any customer and purchase data held by your former eBook provider will be permanently deleted following the transfer to Kobo.
The transfer of libraries is anonymous and does not rely on sharing your personal information with Kobo. Your library will be assigned a unique code or link that your former eBook provider will send you. This will let you transfer your library once you register with Kobo, or merge it with an existing Kobo account.
What happens if I choose not to transfer my library to Kobo?
If you choose not to transfer your library to Kobo, no further action is required.
However, please note that after the date specified by your former eBook provider, you'll no longer be able to access or download your eBooks from your old library.
We recommend that you transfer your books to Kobo as soon as possible to have an uninterrupted reading experience.