If you have trouble accessing your Kobo Plus books, you may have moved to a location that doesn't support Kobo Plus, or forgotten to update your payment information. You can contact Kobo Customer Care for assistance with your Kobo Plus access.
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Kobo Plus subscriptions and some common problems:
How do I check if my Kobo Plus account is still active?
If you're unsure if your Kobo Plus subscription is still active, you can see your account status in the My Subscriptions menu on Kobo.com. Follow the steps in this article to learn how:
Why can't I add a book to my Kobo Plus subscription?
If you've recently subscribed to a free trial and you're unable to download Kobo Plus books, verify that your Kobo Plus subscription is still active. Follow the steps in this article to learn how:
We're always adding more books to the Kobo Plus catalogue. At the moment, there are a select number of books available for Kobo Plus. To see which books qualify for your Kobo Plus subscription, look for the "Read with Kobo Plus" description near the book cover or at the top- right corner of the screen. To see a complete list of Kobo Plus books available, visit the Kobo Plus home page.
What happens to my subscription if I move to a country that doesn't offer Kobo Plus?
If you change your billing address to another country while you have an active Kobo Plus subscription, you'll still have access to the Kobo Plus books you were reading on your Kobo eReader or app until the end of your current billing period, but you won't be able to search for or add new Kobo Plus titles to your Reading List. Your Kobo Plus subscription will be cancelled after you reach the end of your current billing period in your new region.
I'd like to purchase a Kobo Plus subscription as a gift. Can I buy more than one subscription?
You can purchase up to two Kobo Plus subscriptions with the same credit card, but only the first subscription will be eligible for the free trial period. Residents of Quebec are not eligible for a free trial.
Can I subscribe to Kobo Plus and access books on my Sony Reader?
Unfortunately, Kobo Plus books cannot be downloaded and imported to Sony Readers. However, you can still enjoy a Kobo Plus subscription and access the Kobo Plus catalogue from the free Kobo eBooks app for your smartphone or tablet.
How do I cancel my Kobo Plus subscription?
For customers in Canada:
Follow the steps in this article to cancel your Kobo Plus subscription.