Learn how to buy Kobo Plus books on your Kobo eReader or Kobo Books app.
Buy Kobo Plus content on kobo.com
If you're a Kobo Plus subscriber and you'd like to purchase a Kobo Plus book to keep, simply follow the same steps you normally would to purchase a book on kobo.com.
- Go to kobo.com.
- Sign in to your Kobo account.
- Enter your book title into the search bar at the top of the screen.
Depending on how many Kobo Plus books you'd like to buy:
- Click Buy Now if you're buying one Kobo Plus book.
- Click Add to Cart for each Kobo Plus book you're buying, if more than one.
- Click the
Shopping Cart icon, and select Checkout.
- Follow the prompts to complete checking out.
Buy Kobo Plus content on your Kobo eReader
If you're a Kobo Plus subscriber and you'd like to purchase a Kobo Plus book to keep, simply follow the same steps you normally would to purchase a book on your Kobo eReader.
Note: Kobo Plus isn't compatible with Kobo Wi Fi or Kobo Mini.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap
Discover at the bottom of the screen.
- From the item details page of the Kobo Plus book you'd like to buy, tap the
More icon.
- Tap the Buy button. Note: If the Kobo Plus is eligible for Kobo Super Points redemption, you can tap the Redeem button to redeem points for it, instead.
- If you want to use a gift card or promo code, tap Add gift card or Add promo code, and provide the required information. Note: Promo codes can only be applied to eligible books, since not all publishers choose to take part in promotions.
- Tap Confirm.
- Tap Keep Shopping to buy more books, or return to the Home screen.
Buy Kobo Plus books on the Kobo Books app (Android)
If you're a Kobo Plus subscriber and you'd like to purchase a Kobo Plus book to keep, you can do so directly from the book's item details page in your Kobo Books app for Android.
- Tap the
Kobo Books app icon.
- From the 'All Items' section of your Library, tap Books.
- Find the Kobo Plus book you'd like to buy and tap the
Actions icon to the right of it.
- Tap Item Details.
You'll be taken to your Kobo Plus book's item details page.
- Tap the
Actions icon on the top right of your screen.
- Tap the Buy button.
- Follow the prompts to complete checking out.
Buying Kobo Plus content in your Kobo Books app for Windows
If you're a Kobo Plus subscriber and you'd like to purchase a Kobo Plus book to keep, you can do so directly from the book's item details page in your Kobo Books app for Windows.
- Tap the
Kobo Books app icon.
- Tap Go to Library.
- Tap All Items.
Find Kobo Plus book you'd like to buy. Then:
- If you're using a smartphone or tablet, long-press on the Kobo Plus book you'd like to buy, and tap the
Actions icon.
- If you're using a desktop computer, right-click on the Kobo Plus book you'd like to buy, and click the
Actions icon.
- If you're using a smartphone or tablet, long-press on the Kobo Plus book you'd like to buy, and tap the
- Tap Item Details.
- From the Kobo Plus book's item details page, tap the
Actions icon.
- Tap the Buy button.
- Follow the prompts to keep checking out.
Buying Kobo Plus content in Kobo Desktop
If you're a Kobo Plus subscriber and you'd like to purchase a Kobo Plus book to keep, simply follow the same steps you normally would to purchase a book in the Kobo Desktop app.
- Open Kobo Desktop.
- To search the Kobo Bookstore for the Kobo+ book you're looking for, just click Bookstore at the top of the screen. Once you've found the Kobo Plus book you'd like to buy, click the book cover and follow the onscreen instructions to purchase the book. Note: You'll need a valid credit card to make a purchase.
Once you've completed the purchase, sync your eReader to add the new book to your eReader. Your newly purchased book will also appear in Kobo Desktop when you click Library at top of the screen. If you don't see your new purchase, click the <icon> Sync icon at the top of the screen.