You can manage your Kobo Plus subscription from your My Subscriptions page on You'll see which books you have access to, and can cancel or renew your Kobo Plus subscription.
Please note that if you've already subscribed to Kobo Plus before, you won't be eligible for a second free trial subscription.
- Go to
- Click Sign in.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click Continue.
Open your account details with one of these options, depending on what you see:
- Click My Account next to the
Profile icon at the top right of the page.
- Click the
Menu icon at the top left of the page, then click My Account next to the
Profile icon.
- Click My Account next to the
- Click My Subscriptions.
You'll see the details of your Kobo Plus subscription, including which books you have access to, and the option to cancel or renew your subscription, depending on whether or not it is active.
Managing your Kobo Plus subscription in your Kobo Books app for Android
You can manage your Kobo Plus subscription from your Kobo Books app for Android's Settings menu. You'll see which books you have access to, and can cancel or renew your Kobo Plus subscription.
- Tap the
Kobo Books app icon.
- Tap the
Menu icon at the top of the screen.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Kobo Plus Subscription.
You'll be taken to your Subscriptions page. If you'd like to restore a previously cancelled subscription, click Renew Subscription.
Managing your Kobo Plus subscription in your Kobo Books app for Windows
You can manage your Kobo Plus subscription from your Kobo Books app for Windows' Settings menu. You'll see which books you have access to, and can cancel or renew your Kobo Plus subscription.
- Tap the
Kobo Books app icon.
- Tap the
Actions icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Kobo Plus Subscription.
You'll be taken to your Subscriptions page. If you'd like to restore a previously cancelled subscription, tap Renew Subscription.
Viewing your Kobo Plus subscription information in your Kobo Books app for Apple
You can view the next billing date of your Kobo Plus subscription in your Kobo Books app for Apple's Settings menu, or its expiry date if you've decided to cancel.
The Kobo Books app for Apple doesn't support management of your Kobo Plus subscription. To manage your Kobo Plus subscription, go to your My Subscriptions page on
- Tap the
Kobo Books app icon.
- Tap the
More icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Settings.
You'll see the next billing date of your Kobo Plus subscription, or its expiry date if you've cancelled your subscription before the re-billing date. Once your Kobo Plus subscription expires, you'll no longer see Kobo Plus information in your app's Settings menu.