Some Kobo eReaders, tablets, and Kobo apps are no longer manufactured or supported. This means that some Kobo products won't be able to download content or get updates.
To improve our eReaders, apps, and services, we'll need to discontinue support for our earlier devices and apps so that we can focus on making our current and future products better. Rest assured, no items in your Kobo library will be affected. You will continue to have access to all reading material you have purchased or downloaded from Rakuten Kobo.
You can download the free Kobo App available for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, and continue reading with Kobo on a device you already own. Or, download the free Kobo Desktop App to read your eBooks on your PC or Mac desktop computer.
You can visit and go to the 'Apps & eReaders' page to learn about the latest Kobo eReaders and apps.
Not sure which eReader you have?
I got a message from Kobo about updates to my device. What should I do?
If you have one of the Kobo eReaders below, you'll have to update your eReader using Wi Fi or Kobo Desktop by May 25, 2023 to continue reading on your eReader.
- Kobo Aura ONE (Model N709)
- Kobo Aura Edition 2 (Model N236)
- Kobo Touch 2.0 (Model N587)
- Kobo Glo HD (Model N437)
- Kobo Aura H2O (Model N250)
- Kobo Aura (Model N514)
- Kobo Aura HD (Model N204B)
- Kobo Glo (Model N613)
- Kobo Touch (Model N905, N905B, N905C)
- If you update your eReader after May 25, 2023, you'll have to use Kobo Desktop to update your eReader.
- While updating your eReader, Kobo Desktop will automatically download an update. If you get an error while updating with Kobo Desktop, simply unplug your eReader and wait for the Kobo Desktop update to complete. Once the Kobo Desktop update is finished, you can finish setting up your eReader using Kobo Desktop or through Wi Fi.
Learn how to check your eReader's software version
- To check if your eReader is updated, follow the steps in this article. Your eReader should have version number 4.35 or newer.
The following eReaders, tablets, and apps are no longer supported:
Kobo eReaders
- Kobo mini - Model number: N705
- Kobo WiFi - Model numbers: N647 and N47B
- Kobo Original - Model number: N416
Kobo tablets (colour screen)
- Kobo Arc (all models)
- Kobo Vox (model number: K080)
Sony eReaders and apps
- Sony Reader T1
- Sony Reader T2
- Sony Reader T3
- Sony Reader app.
Kobo apps
- Kobo app for Blackberry
- Kobo app for iOS 4 or earlier
- Kobo app for Android 4.0 or earlier
- Kobo Desktop for Windows XP or earlier
- Kobo Desktop for OSX 10.6 or earlier
Common questions
Can I still download books from the public library?
Yes, you can continue to use Adobe Digital Editions to add books to your eReader. Follow the steps in this article to learn more: Borrowing books from the public library
If you have a Kobo Aura ONE, you can continue to use the built-in OverDrive feature, to borrow books on your eReader.
Follow the steps in this article to learn more: Borrowing books with OverDrive
Does this mean I can't buy eBooks anymore?
You can continue to buy books on and read them on the Kobo Desktop app, the Kobo Books app, and any of our newer Kobo eReaders.
You can continue to read your eBooks with:
- The Kobo Desktop app on your computer.
- The Kobo Books app on your iOS or Android device.
- Kobo eReaders (except Kobo Mini (N705), Kobo WiFi, model numbers: N647 and N47B)
How can I download books to my computer for later use?
Follow the steps in the article below to download your eBooks: