You can highlight a few words, a sentence, or a paragraph.
Note: Kobo Stylus only works with Kobo Sage, Kobo Elipsa, Kobo Elipsa 2E, and Kobo Libra Colour.
To highlight text using your Kobo Stylus, while reading:
- Press and hold the highlighter button on your Kobo Stylus.
Kobo Stylus (2021):
Kobo Stylus 2 (2023): - While holding the highlighter button, drag your Kobo Stylus over the area of text that you’d like to highlight.
You’ll see black highlight over the words that you’ve selected.
- Lift your Kobo Stylus from the screen.
Your text selection will appear as a grey highlight.
Note: If you have a Kobo Libra Colour you can change the highlight colours.
To do this, tap on a highlight with your finger. A menu will appear. Tap on the colour that you'd like to change your highlight to. Tap anywhere on the screen to resume reading.
View highlights
To view all the highlights you’ve made throughout the book, while reading:
- Tap the middle of the screen.
The Reading menu will appear. - Tap the
note icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap the
arrows on the side of the screen, or drag the scroll bar to scroll through the annotations page.
Tip: You’ll see ahighlight icon beside the highlights you’ve made in the book.
Delete highlights
You can delete highlights directly on the page or within the Annotations menu.
Delete highlights on a page
To delete highlights you see on a page:
- Press and hold your finger over the highlight that you want to delete for a few seconds.
- Lift your finger from the screen.
A menu will appear.
- Tap Remove Highlight.
Delete highlights with the Annotations menu
To delete highlights using the Annotations menu, while reading:
- Tap the middle of the screen to bring up the Reading Menu.
- Tap the
note icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Annotations near the top of the screen.
- Tap and hold your finger over the highlight that you'd like to delete.
A menu will appear.
- Tap Remove highlight.
Learn more about using your Kobo Stylus
- About Kobo Stylus 2 (Released in 2023)
- Troubleshoot your Kobo Stylus
- Use gestures to edit handwriting
- Write notes in your book with Kobo Stylus
Highlight text with your Kobo Stylus
Kobo Stylus (2021) - About Kobo Stylus
- Check your Kobo Stylus battery status
- Replace your Kobo Stylus battery
Change your Kobo Stylus tip
Kobo eReaders compatible with Kobo Stylus - Kobo Libra Colour
- Kobo Elipsa
- Kobo Sage
- Kobo Elipsa 2E