You can use Kobo Store Credit to buy eBooks and audiobooks from the Kobo Store. Store Credit can not be used to purchase eReaders, accessories, subscription services, or pre-order books.
- A Kobo Store credit cannot be used to purchase a new subscription for the first time.
- After you've purchased a subscription service, Kobo Store credits will be used to pay for reoccurring subscription services, such as your Kobo Plus subscription that automatically renews every month.
When available, Store Credit is applied to your purchase automatically. If you don’t have enough Store Credit to cover the purchase, it can be combined with your usual payment method, such as a credit card, to complete the purchase.
Note: If you're using the Kobo Books app on Android, you'll need to make your purchase on to redeem your store credit. This means that if there's a difference in price after the store credit has been applied, you'll need to use the payment method that's associated with your account, and not your Google Play account.
You’ll receive Kobo Store Credit when you return an eBook or redeem a Kobo Gift Card.
Store credit never expires, as long as you have a Kobo account.
Learn how to view how much Kobo Store credit you have here.