You can deactivate your Kobo account anytime.
When you close your Kobo account, you'll no longer be able to:
- Update your Kobo library with the latest books on your Kobo eReader, Kobo App, or the Kobo Desktop App.
- Sign in with your linked accounts.
- Sync your Kobo library between devices.
- Buy new eBooks or audiobooks from the Kobo Store.
Follow these steps to close your Kobo account:
- Go to
- Sign in to your account.
- Click
My Account at the top of the screen.
- Click Account Settings.
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and look for 'Deactivate Account?'
- Click Deactivate Account. A 'Deactivate Account?' dialog screen will appear.
- Click Deactivate Account.
- You can reactivate your account by entering your existing account credentials in the sign-in screen. Once you enter in your account credentials, you'll see a 'Reactivate your account?' screen. Click Continue to reactivate your account.
- If you forgot your Kobo account password, follow the steps here to reset it.
- If you had someone from Kobo Customer Care deactivate your account, you'll need to contact Kobo Customer Care to reactivate it.